How do I buy tickets?
You may purchase tickets to Sesame Street the Musical at the box office, online by clicking the Tickets button above and by visiting Other ways to buy are in person at the box office or calling the Instant charge box office at the Kennedy center. (202) 467-4600. Toll-Free: (800) 444-1324
What is the running time of the show?
Sesame Street the Musical runs approximately 60 minutes.
Is there an intermission?
There is no intermission.
What is the recommended age for this show?
Sesame Street the Musical is suitable for ages 3+, but has something for fans of all ages to enjoy.
What happens if my child becomes restless during the show?
There are quiet areas in the lobby and in the foyer where you and your child can relax outside of the theater. Our House Management team will help with entering and exiting the theater.
Can I take photographs during the show?
The taking of photos, audio, or video recordings is not allowed during the performance. There are fun photo opportunities before the show in the lobby, and you will be allowed to take photos of all of your Sesame Street friends during their bows at the end of the show.
Will there be merchandise available for purchase?
Yes. Please visit the lobby before and after the show.
Where is the theater located?
2700 F Street NW Washington , DC.
Is the theater wheelchair accessible?
Yes, there are ADA seats held in the theater and the theater is completely wheelchair accessible.